You live as long as you are remembered. ~ Russian Proverb

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I posted a query yesterday to the Polish Forums regarding the meanings of the surnames I am actively researching. Here's the response:

ŁATA: patch
PESTA: multiple possible sources: pesta (agumentative for fruit pit or stone; normal form pestka); pest or pęst (archaic term for a flower bud); peste (Italian for plague); Pest (one of the two cities forming Budapest)
PODHAJSKI: Ukrainian influenced pronunciation of Podgajski (someone living at the edge of the grove); Podchajski is a misspelling
ANDRUSZKOW: probably of Russian origin derived from Andrei (Andrew); Ukrainian would be Андрушків (Andruszkiw). In Poland both the Andruszków and Andruszkow spelling is used.

I must say that I find it unusual that it states Podchajski as a misspelling. Not what I was expecting. Nor was I expecting it to be potentially of Russian origin, though with the location of where my relatives came from being near the Russian border it does make some sense. The same with Pesta, I was not expecting it to be connected to Hungary. One look up I did a few years ago indicated it had Bohemian roots. Or is that one and the same?

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you again!
    Welcome to the Geneabloggers family. Hope you find the association fruitful; I sure do. I have found it most stimulating, especially some of the Daily Themes.

    May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!

    Dr. Bill ;-)
    Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
    and "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"
